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Audio walk Friedrichshain
Audio walk Friedrichshain
Of farmer’s cottages and worker’s palaces, of backyards and communal living projects
What is life like in one of Berlin’s liveliest quarters?
On the 2,5 hour tour, meet one of the original inhabitants of the former Stalinallee, the strong women of Boxha- gener Platz and last but not least, Otto Grotewohl himself, the first prime minister of the GDR. Also present are Rosi, best Berlin mutt, Georg, a new in towner; a first-time resident of the former Stalinallee, architecture critic Bruno Flierl and last but not least Otto Grotewohl himself, the first prime minister of the GDR…

Give the audio walk as a present
Buy this audio tour as a gift voucher and send it by mail – or print it, wrap it up nicely and present it personally.
The vouchers contain a code that can be used to download the Audiowalk directly to one’s smartphone. In the app stadt im ohr – Audiotour Berlin or in the browser!