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Audio Tour Berlin

Audio Tour Berlin

An audio walk through Berlin’s historical city centre

800 years of history come to life in this audio guided tour through the centre of Berlin – packed with anecdotes and songs. Informative, engaging and conversational, urban sounds to go gives you the insider’s story.

Duration of the tour approx. 2 hours. But you can take your time and have a coffee or a typical Berliner Weiße in between.

Switch your smartphone on and off you go!

Download the tour inside the App stadt im ohr – Audiotour Berlin. And ready you are! With GPS support, you can easily find your way around and always listen to the individual chapters in the right place.

Click here for the app stores:
▶ for Android
▶ for i-Phone

Give the audio walk as a present

Buy this audio tour as a gift voucher and send it by mail – or print it out, wrap it up nicely and present it personally.

The vouchers contain a code that can be used to download the audio tour directly to your smartphone. In the stadt im ohr-app or in the browser!

▶ Buy gift voucher ▶ Shopping cart ▶ checkout

Media response


is excited about urban sounds to go

One of Berlin’s most interesting neighborhoods finally has its own audio guide: Interesting, familiar and never-before-heard things can be discovered on the tour through the former working-class neighborhood. Because Friedrichshain has more to offer than Simon-Dach-Strasse!


recommends audio tour Friedrichshain

The list of Berlin’s sights is long. But if you want to explore the city away from Alexanderplatz and the Brandenburg Gate, you should take a closer look at these tips,“ says GEO and recommends the Friedrichshain audio walk under ‚Alternative city tours‘.
> Click here for the article.

Berliner Abendblatt

recommends urban sounds to go

„It always makes you feel like you’re in the middle of it!“

Take a look at this tour too!

Audio tour Friedrichshain
Audio tour Friedrichshain